Tuesday 2 October 2012

If I leave here tomorrow...

...would you still remember me?

This post was originally meant to be about my adventure finding other modes of transport in SL after the fun I had with the Sabre. I got my hands on a Harrier Jump Jet from Amok Dynamics and had a lot of fun with it (at first) but it's been sat as a draft for months because something LL did broke the Sim Crossings, and while they've gotten a bit better, they're still awful.


Someone explained to me that I should go easy on the Dev team because the magic that happens behind the scenes is pretty incredible and its a wonder they work at all. The thing is, as an end-user... I don't care! The fact is the result is an experience that's sub-par. The amount of rubber-banding over region crossings (Assuming you actually manage to cross and don't have to close the viewer and log in again - loosing the vehicle at the time) makes driving annoying and flying downright frustrating. Will it ever be fixed? Perhaps, but I've got my doubts. LL is after all the organisation that (apparently) put the Mesh Deformer on the backburner because Mesh clothing wasn't proving popular (perhaps because we still don't have a deformer yet FFS!). It's sapped all my enthusiasm for vehicle based exploration, and even to a certain extent SL as a whole.

Some good things have happened in the meantime though. Moo Spyker has expanded the range of SCS3 vehicles with The Gator command truck and Raptor APC. They are just as fun to drive as the Sabre and the gator is amphibious! (The raptor may be too, not tried it yet) If I can't fly across the Blake sea I can at least drive across it LOL. I also created a new 'Urban' Black and white cammo scheme for the sabre.


M'good friend Samantha Glume from SGE hooked me up with a Gator and Raptor so I could produce some skins to match the ones I've done for the sabre. So far I've only done a green Cammo for the Gator (wrapping the pattern is harder for these vehicles). The plan is to produce more, but things have been on a bit of Hiatus lately due to me getting hitched IRL! After a lovely two weeks in Italy life is getting back to normal.

Now that's out of the way posts should (Hopefully) resume some kind of frequency.

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